March 12, 2013

If you don’t tell a person you love them, can your feeling still be considered love? Does love need validation or at the very least recognition in order to be? It seems if we do not wear our hearts on our sleeve for someone, we are considered guilty of not loving them. There are articles…

November 28, 2012

There is the old saying “treat em’ mean and keep em keen.” Women all over the world tend to employ this strategy as a way to keep a man interested in them. I am not a fan of that mentality and I know quite a few people who would probably smack you over the head…

November 28, 2012

Ahh. The holidays are upon us. The house is decorated to the nines, you have slaved away in the kitchen to prepare a feast fit for Kings and Queens, the children are well dressed and well behaved. You are expecting the first guest to arrive any moment now. In the back of your mind, you…

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